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Fool’s Paradise and Trails Nearby

发表于 : 周日 5月 26, 2019 5:08 pm
It’s a beautiful day today after yesterday’s thunderstorms.

Fool’s Paradise

发表于 : 周日 5月 26, 2019 6:49 pm
Fool’s Paradise is a residence of a late artist who gave it to the city.

Fool’s Paradise

发表于 : 周日 5月 26, 2019 6:54 pm
In the living room, it’s a beautiful view of Ontario Lake from the ground window.
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In the yard, there is a big tree whose blossoms are booming. I guess it’s a peach tree.
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Cudia Park

发表于 : 周日 5月 26, 2019 7:10 pm
The neighbourhood is quite beautiful too. A lot of green plants. There is a park named Cubia Park nearby. There is a trail, part of which is quite close to the Lake, but there are fences and signs which read, it’s dangerous to trespass since the cliff edges can suddenly collapse, and a fine of C$5000. It reminds me of the recent news of a couple who dropped from the bluff. I wonder if they were handed the bill for the fine when they were rescued. Obviously they trespassed the fences or ignored the signs, or both.
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Doris McCarthy Trail

发表于 : 周日 5月 26, 2019 7:21 pm
The name of the artist, the former owner of Fool’s Paradise, is Doris McCarthy. There is a Doris McCarhy trail on the east. One end of the trail is the shore of the Ontario Lake.
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The trail is along a shallow creek all the way to the shore. I love 💕 it.